Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Alabaster House Pinckney Michigan

The Alabaster House, an outreach into Pinckney, found a geographical location to pray, worship, and soak. We are developing a site in downtown Pinckney. The Good News Community Chapel has provided space on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. to worship God and pray over the community with a special emphasis on the kids. We will be located at 104 Putman Street, Pinckney, Michigan - just a block off Main Street. Our first time was on Thursday, April 21st. This has unique significance as it was Maundy Thursday. It was not planned that way, but God always has a plan.

While different denominations observe Maundy Thursday in their own ways, two important biblical events are a primary focus of Maundy Thursday:

Before the Passover meal, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. By performing this humble act of love, the Bible says in John 13:1 that Jesus "showed them the full extent of his love." By his example, Jesus demonstrated how Christians are to love one another through humble acts, serving others, and building relationships.

During the Passover meal, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you." These events recorded in Luke 22:19-20 describe the Last Supper and form the biblical basis for the practice of Communion. Many believers observe a traditional Passover Seder meal.

Thank you to Good News Community Chapel for the use of your church. The Alabaster House is a part of the Catch The Fire (CTF) network of prayer/soaking centers that has its base in both Toronto, Canada and Raleigh, North Carolina.

Come as you are.

1 comment:

  1. Pray for a safe return.

    Missing: Colin Schwartz Last Seen Tue. April, 19 6:30 AM In the Moon Shadows subdivision in Pinckney, MI 5’11” tall Wearing a dark pea coat, button down white shirt and blue jeans and carrying a guitar case. CONTACT Hamburg Twp. Police, 911 or parents at 734.560.6110 via text or call if you know anything or see him.
